Friday, February 17, 2012

iParents in the Classroom event

Our Head of School, Dr. David Behrs, highlights our "iParents in the Classroom" event which was held this week on our campus.  Dr. Behrs was pivotal in unifying the leadership of our School in all three divisions around the promise of integrated technology in the curriculum utilizing the iPad as our digital tool of choice:

Dr. Behrs welcoming families
We just concluded our "iParents in the Classroom" night. I am so proud of our students, faculty, and staff for developing and executing this informative program for parents. When we began integrating technology further into our classroom this year with our 1-to-1 student iPad program, we knew it would transform teaching and learning by building on the strong student-centered learning we foster at San Domenico. I don't think we fully appreciated the impact or how well the iPads would work in our classrooms. Every day I walk around this campus and see exciting projects and teaching occurring with lots of social group work that is so engaging.

This coming year we are going to continue to grow our integrated technology program in age appropriate ways. In addition to iPads in grades 6-12, we will have a 1-to-1 program in grades 4 & 5, an iPad cart in 3rd grade, and expanded iPad stations in K, 1, and 2.  Our "iTeach 2012" event in June ( will bring educators from around the country to our campus to benefit from our leadership and experience from this pivotal year.

It's difficult to express the energy of this great evening.  Much like a traditional science fair, tables around the room featured students who demonstrated all kinds of apps and how they're used in (and out!) of the classroom.  A video montage from the evening gives a taste of the students' enthusiasm and engagement.

I want to give special thanks to all the students who showcased their amazing work; their families for supporting their participation; the all-school technology committee who coordinated everyone's amazing efforts, and and all our faculty & staff. What a wonderful community we have here at San Domenico!

My very best,

Dave Behrs

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